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General conditions of use collaborating agent of the NASMECA
The AGENT will sign an agent contract with Nasmeca as an indispensable requirement to start collaborating. This contract will be a physical contract that will be sent to the agent’s address and it will return signed.
The relationship between THE AGENT and Nasmeca will be purely commercial and subject to the clauses of the signed physical contract.
The AGENT will not receive payments from clients under any circumstances.
The AGENT has to have business contacts and clients in the Middle East and demonstrable Arab North African countries.
The AGENT is, or may be an agent for other companies also for products similar to the PRODUCTS or SERVICES.
NASMECA appoints the AGENT, so that, with the diligence and good faith with which he acts in that capacity, he represents him in the promotion and sale of the PRODUCTS or SERVICES in the TERRITORY of the AGENT.
All expenses of representation and derivatives for the development of the work of the AGENT will be on behalf of the AGENT.
The minimum price for which the AGENT is authorized to make offers and close sales will be the one indicated for each campaign in the corresponding catalog that NASMECA will supply from the supplier.
NASMECA undertakes to make available to the AGENT the catalogs corresponding to the PRODUCTS or SERVICES, as well as representation samples that are required in each particular case.
The AGENT will request to represent a product or service through a form.
The AGENT may request samples of representation in particular cases for commercial use.
The AGENT undertakes to inform NASMECA immediately of the request of interested parties to distribute any type of negotiation of the PRODUCT OR SERVICE.
The AGENT undertakes to work so that NASMECA reaches a minimum volume of sales according to its PRODUCT or SERVICE and its viability, according to the demand of the markets.[/vc_column_text][g5plus_space desktop=”95″ tablet=”75″ tablet_portrait=”55″ mobile_landscape=”45″ mobile=”45″][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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