It is an honor to welcome you to this Forum, a pioneer , which we hope will be an important business platform. Sports Tourism offers good opportunities in our country. The practice of sport is increasing, there are good infrastructures located in Africa, within the Arab World, connected with Europe and Asia, which impels us to give the event an international character. Our goal is to help develop the sports tourism industry, inform about the latest trends and connect professionals. I invite you to participate to undertake new opportunities. It will be a pleasure to help you and receive you personally .
Sports marketing companies participating in the World Forum for sports tourism:
Soxna : www.soxna.com
Naru group : www.narugroup.com
Darhima sports : www.darhimasports.com
Soccer fan trip : www.soccerfantrip.com
Adoria Sports Marketing : Adoria Sports Marketing
Futmind sport Consulting : Futmind sport Consulting
Kick off sports : www.kickoffgestionesdeportivas.com
Good morning sports : www.gmorningsports.com
Grupo R1 : www.r1eventosdeportivos.com
Steel man sports : www.steelmansports.com
Futboleventos : www.futbolyeventos.com
Gama sport : www.gamasport.it
London sports : www.londonsports.org.uk
Total media : www.totalmedia.es
Club Atletico de Madrid : www.clubatleticodemadrid.com
Sport business : www.spoortbusiness.com
Euro soccer : www.eurosoccer.com.br
R Italia : www.ricettivitalia.com
VIP spain : www.viptraveltospain.com
ViajesVelero : www.viajesvelero.com
Football impact : www.footballimpact.com
Maddock sports : www.maddock-sports.com
Red strike : www.redstrike.com
M R Sports : www.mrsportsagency.com/site/institucion.php
Portugal Sport Travel : www.sport-travel.pt
Event Plus sport : www.eventoplus.com/proveedor/1905/production-portugal-events
Polaris Sports : www.polarissports.pt
Pro sports : www.prosports.mx
Depor tours www.deportours.com
Super match www.supermatch.com.uy
SMKC es.linkedin.com/in/serafin-ibanez-bailey-660209
PMG sports www.PMG.com
Nasmeca Sports : www.nasmeca.com
Sportalius : www.sportalius.com
Tasc out : www.tascout.com/en
Global View Sports Management : globalviewsports.com
Euromericas : www.euromericas.com/tag/brasil
Mix Aficiones : www.mixaficiones.com
Sports go : www.sportsandgo.es
VNG : www.vngviatges.com/turismo-deportivo
Sports and tours : www.sportsandtours.com/es/campus-deportivos/tours-deportivos-futbol
Meza sports : www.mezasports.com.mx
Palco 23 : www.palco23.com
Shows affection, admiration and mutual respect of two great professionals. Rufo Collado, representing the Granada CF, delivers the first team’s honor shirt to Nabil Almoukri, from Nasmeca, during the closing of the 2nd Sports Tourism Forum held in Cairo on March 26.
So great is the commitment that the government has always through the Ministry of Tourism, that the own Minister Mr. Mohamed Yehia Rashed is one of the permanent assistants to the organized events. Specifically, he has confirmed the attendance to the 2nd Sports Tourism Forum where he will be in charge of opening the Forum and presenting it, welcoming the speakers and attendees
“Our goal is to reach 10 million tourists in 2017.”